この画面の上にあるタイトルの水玉?○○○の部分ににマウスのカーソルを持っていってみて!ねー?可愛いでしょ?めっちゃ面白いでしょ~はまるよ 笑
で、もうひとつ言っておきたいのは、私の英語は完全ではありません。帰国子女+1年の交換留学くらいじゃ、私の拙い日本語レベルにもなってません。だから私の英語を絶対視しないで、参考程度に読んでくださいね(英語を勉強しようと思ってる日本人の方)。で、反対に日本語を勉強している人は、私の日本語をあまり信頼しないように!人間、母国語の文法が疎かになるのは仕方ないからさっ 笑
最後に注意点をひとつ。英語の方の日記は、上の日本語の完全訳じゃないです。意訳なんだけど、でももう意訳を超えて、けっこう違います。「要はこういうことが言いたいんだよっはっはっは」ってな感じの訳なので 笑 最初、きっちりした訳のほうがいいかなぁとも思ったんだけど、やっぱりなんか不自然になるので止めました。だから両方分かる人にはには違いがバレるね。。
First of all...
go drag your mouse to the top of the page around the title area. You see the coloreful dots appear?? Isn't it soooooo cute??? I always waste time playing with it :D
And now, the real anouncements.
Basically, I wiil be posting whenever I want whatever I wanna write about, just like I did with my previous blog. But this time, I'll be writing in both Japanese and English. I came up with this idea because... First, I want my friends who don't speak Japanese to be able to read it. Next, I thought it might be nice if my friends who are interested in Japanese or English can use this blog to study or test themselves. Finally, I think it'll help myself to express my thoughts in words, Japanese too, but especially in Engish, because now I'm back in Japan and hardly ever use English if I don't go out and find the opportunity to do so myself.
And one more thing I have to say is that my English is not perfect (as YOU can easily tell, if you're reading HERE ;P) I had lived in the States for few years when I was small and had studied for 1 year as an exchage student, but that won't make my English even closer to my Japanese, which is not that good either. So DO NOT trust my English and just read through and think "oh, this is one way of expressing it, which could be wrong" (for those of you who wish to study English). And the same thing with the Japanese studying people... you know your English grammar is crap so so is mine!! My Japanese is awful!
Finally, one last thing to tell you. My English versions are NOT the direct translation of the Japanese posts above! I tried to do that but it didn't turn out so well... my Enlgish will sound so awkward and I stopped. What I 'm trying to say is genereally the same thing so it won't be a problem. The problem is that my least favorite readers are gonna be bilinguals, and half of my friends are ;P
Oh, and I set my goal to post short paragraphs (maybe 1 hour of writing per post) so I don't have to sit in front of this PC forever, but it's not working--- I'll try harder from next time!
PS 英語で書いてて分かったこと。。これスペルチェックがない!更なるミスの不安が。。
I just noticed, writing in English, that it has no spell check! My English gets worse...
first of all, read this; it's like a introduction of this blog
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