昔は毎月雑誌(ファッション誌)を買っていたこともありました。けどやめました。気付いたんです。。もったいなーい!!だって1冊¥500以上、2ヶ月で¥1000+α!!!月2冊以上買ってたこともあったな!なのに雑誌ってすぐ捨てちゃうものなんだよね。そのお金、絶対もっと有用な物に使えたはず!あと、私が求めてる情報は、実は買う雑誌の30%以下。まず、アメリカの雑誌ほどじゃないけど広告が多い。それに、私が参考にしたいのは服飾品やインテリア、料理やコスメくらい。でも、女性誌には風水とか占い(信じないどころか嫌悪)、芸能関連(あんま興味がない)、「こういう女の子がカワイイ☆」「人気者になるには★」みたいな特集(ためになるのかしら。。いやするべき!?)、赤の他人の恋愛話(聞いたってねぇ 笑)等がとーっっても多い!!「自分に合う雑誌じゃないのかなぁ」と思って他のを見てみても、服の系統が違うだけで後は同じような感じ。う~ん。。
と思って、毎月購読するのはやめました。けど、だからと言って全く買わなくなったわけではありません!今は3~4ヶ月に1、2冊くらい。ちらっと見て雰囲気が気に入った時だったり、衝動買いだったり、まぁ色々だけど…。でも、いつも買うのは共通して寂しい時 笑 特に、一人で飛行機に乗る時なんかは必ず買ってるかも。だって、飛行機は待ち時間も乗ってる間も飛行場までの行き来も。。一人は暇すぎる!!あとは、なんとなく一人で馬場歩きしててふらっと寄ったコンビニで買ったり。そして昨日も、家に帰ったら鍵がかかってて閉め出されたので、近くのスーパーで雑誌を買って、これまた近くの公園で読んだのでした。寒かったー 笑
あともう一つ!読み終わった雑誌をそのまま捨てちゃうのもやめました。私は自分で色々作るのが好きなので、いつか参考になるかもしれない「これ可愛い!」と思ったのを切抜いといて、でっかいノートにコラージュします。まぁ確かに流行り廃りはあるけど、そんなに流行りものに目が行く方ではないので気にしなーい。コラージュって、配置とか色・形のバランスとかがけっこう難しくてね。。楽しいし、けっこう勉強にもなってるのかもしれません 笑
I used to buy one magazine (women's) per month, but not now. I realized... what a waste of money it was!!! A magazine costs more than $5.00 or so, which makes it more than $10.00 in 2 months!!! Surely, I should use the money to something more worth spending, after all, magazines are something that's not kept for long! And the other thing is magazine pages consist of too many ads! (American magazines are cheeper, but they're almost all ads :O) The information I need is about fashion, interior, cooking/baking, or cosmetics... but most of the pages are filled with fortune telling (I hate them, they're rediculus), gossips about celebreties (not so interested), "how to be a cute girl" or "girls like this are popular" kind of lesson-type stuff (are those any use to anyone?? okay, should I act as it ways?), or talks of love affairs of somebody I don't know (I'd rather listen to my friends' stories ;P)!!! I wondered maybe I should look for magazines different from what I'd usually been buying, but no, that wasn't the problem because just the types of fashion varies from magazine to magazine, and the other useless information (for me) is all alike. Hmmm....
So I stopped bying magazines, month after month. But I still buy them... about once of twice in every three or four months. Perhaps when I happened to find one with a cute cover picture or had a impulse to buy one. Reasons vary, but one thing is always common... that is, whenever I'm feeling lonely lol Especially,I definitely buy one everytime I have to get on a plane by myself!! Taking a flight is so boring... commuting to the airport, waiting at the airport, and while flying!! I sometimes buy it on my way home from school, if I was walking by myself. And yesterday, too, I had to buy one becuase I was locked out when I got home; I went to the nearest grocery store, grabbed the magazine, and read it in the nearest park from my house :P oh, yeah, it was cold!!
But I don't just read and throw them away anymore! Because I like making stuff by myself, I cut out and keep pictures of whatever I found pretty, thinkng of making something similar, and keep a notebook of fashion collage!! It's actually fun but difficult... concidering balance or shapes and putting them in the right places... You shold try it, too!!
i'm so jealous!!!
next week is the busiest... i don't think i'll survive >_<
Tomorrow is my last day of classes, then finals start, and then I'll be flying home! I'm so happy!
来年うち来たら、そのコラージュ見せてあげるね 笑
first of all, read this; it's like a introduction of this blog
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