日本の大学生はあと2週間くらいで学校とおさらばだね☆4月から4年生だよー信じられない!!あ、写真は私がこの冬作った、世界一美味しいチーズケーキ。ま、初めて作ったけど 笑 でもあんだけクリームチーズと生クリームとバターが入れば何だって美味しいわ。
「で、did you see how he danced?? ってか超ー he's so disgusting!!」
「I know, もう本当キライなんっだけど、go to hell って感じ。」
It'll probably sound strange (and jealous, too ;P) for you to hear that in Japan, the semester's gonna end in two weeks!!! The new school year will start next April... and I'll be a senior!! Wow. I can't believe it! By the way, the picture is the yummiest (and the first. Also VERY fattening ;P) cheesecake i've ever made this winter!
Because almost all of the classes are in English in my department, SILS, naturally, has a lot of students who are fluent in English. We do have many students from abroad as well, some students like me, who had once lived abroad, some halfies, and many more Japanese students who had lived in Japan for all of their lives. In SILS, we call them, and they call themsleves, "pure Japanese," of course not taking pride in their "pure blood" or aything..., but rather deprecatingly, just from their sence of inferiority in English ability. (oh, but just to inform you, their Engish is far better than that of the average Japanese people and I still think their effort to have studied so much staying in Japan the whole time deserves to be praised :D) But the strangest of all are the Japanese and halfies who came from international schools or American schools in Japan. Their conversation is... um..., very eccentric. And everytime I eavesdrop them, I'm just amused. A part of one conversation I heard yesterday goes something like;
「で、did you see how he danced?? ってか超ー he's so disgusting!!」
("and did you see how he danced?? Like, he's sooooo disgusting!!")
「I know, もう本当キライなんっだけど、go to hell って感じ。」
("I know, I just hate him so much, like, go to hell!")
Privilege of the real bilinguals, huh?
Thank you for commenting on my blog so quickly! I saw a comment and thought it was my dad, because he is usually the first, but I was so happy to see it was you!
Yes, I'm glad to have found a good church in Portland, at last. I would love more than anything to visit your home and church in Nagano. :D I wrote you a letter recently, you should get it in a couple days, and I mentioned my next visit in it.
あの4年生の男の子のこととかね 笑
びっくり。密かに更新中だったのに 笑
first of all, read this; it's like a introduction of this blog
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