やっぱり何か書きたくなりました i wanna write something again!
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ok... i think i'm going back to use my old blog server.

I don't really like this one. I like the bird, though lol


日本の大学生はあと2週間くらいで学校とおさらばだね☆4月から4年生だよー信じられない!!あ、写真は私がこの冬作った、世界一美味しいチーズケーキ。ま、初めて作ったけど 笑 でもあんだけクリームチーズと生クリームとバターが入れば何だって美味しいわ。


               「で、did you see how he danced?? ってか超ー he's so disgusting!!」


               「I know, もう本当キライなんっだけど、go to hell って感じ。」



It'll probably sound strange (and jealous, too ;P) for you to hear that in Japan, the semester's gonna end in two weeks!!! The new school year will start next April... and I'll be a senior!! Wow. I can't believe it! By the way, the picture is the yummiest (and the first. Also VERY fattening ;P) cheesecake i've ever made this winter!

Because almost all of the classes are in English in my department, SILS, naturally, has a lot of students who are fluent in English. We do have many students from abroad as well, some students like me, who had once lived abroad, some halfies, and many more Japanese students who had lived in Japan for all of their lives. In SILS, we call them, and they call themsleves, "pure Japanese," of course not taking pride in their "pure blood" or aything..., but rather deprecatingly, just  from their sence of inferiority in English ability. (oh, but just to inform you, their Engish is far better than  that of the average Japanese people and I still think their effort to have studied so much staying in Japan the whole time deserves to be praised :D) But the strangest of all are the Japanese and halfies who came from international schools or American schools in Japan. Their conversation is...  um..., very eccentric. And everytime I eavesdrop them, I'm just amused. A part of  one conversation I heard yesterday goes something like;

               「で、did you see how he danced?? ってか超ー he's so disgusting!!」

               ("and did you see how he danced?? Like, he's sooooo disgusting!!")

               「I know, もう本当キライなんっだけど、go to hell って感じ。」

               ("I know, I just hate him so much, like, go to hell!")

Privilege of the real bilinguals, huh?



楽しかったです☆ が、もういいわ、って感じです 笑 言い過ぎか。とりあえず、今季はもういいや。すっごく楽しくはあったんだけど、妹と議論した結果、やっぱり九州乙女・夏生まれ・夏好きには「寒い」。「滑るのが楽しい」よりも「寒い寒い寒い!」もっと滑れたらそうでもないのかなぁとも思ったけど、やっぱりリフト乗ってる間(あと待ってる間も!)は動けずかなり寒いわけで。とか言ってる割には、横を颯爽と滑るスノボを憧れのまなざしで追ったのでした。よし、じゃ来年はスノボでっ 笑

I hope we'll keep in touch this year, too!!

The best part of this winter break was skiing... first time ever in my life!!! Untill I moved to Tokyo for university, I had always lived in the southern cities, both in Japan and in the US, and had no chance of encountering winter sports. Whenever I tell my friends at school (in university) that I had never gone skiing, they all go, "What, really?? Why not??" and I'd always told my excuse, explaining my former residents in the south, but seeing the words, "shut up," appearing in my head. BUT not anymore!!!

It was EXCITING!!! Only, I won't crave for the secound chance... ok, I mean, I won't crave for the secound chance this winter ;P It really was fun, but for my sister and I, who were brought up in the south, born in summer and who love summer... we concluded, "skiing is COLD, period." I thought over it might have been more fun if I were better at it, but still, getting on that ski lift (and waiting in the line, too!) almost made me a smowman!! But I still remember how cool the snowboarders looked when they passed by me sliding elegantly :D ...ok, I'll snowboard next winter lol  


と、本当なら思うべきですが…私は純粋に楽しかったー!!乾杯の時、初めてビールが美味しいと思いました 笑 やっと自分のバイオリン人生が始まったという感じです。今なら人前で、「バイオリン弾けます。」って言っていいような気が 笑 (一応6年生から始めたのにね。)だから、来年もOBOGとして出ます!弾きます!!とても上手かったら先輩の“応援”って言えるんだろうけど、私の場合は“足手まとい”になりかねない。。から、せめて“プラスマイナス0”を目標に頑張るね 笑 よろしく♪♪


明日、12月27日~1月5日まで、例年通り長野に家族で行ってきます。あと今年おばあちゃんが亡くなったので年賀状は出しません。けどちょうだいね 笑



This semester's  biggest event for me, the winter concert of my string orchestra, is over!! I was far from perfect and must have practiced more before the day... and, in fact, this was the last concert for juniors!! What a shame!

is perhaps the way I should feel... but actually, I had such a great time!! I feel like my violin life has finally started and, now, am finally allowed to say in front of others, "Yes, I play violin!" lol (although I started playing when I was in 7th grade) So, I will still be playing in this orchestra next year as a "retired" member! If I were so good, then I could be regarded as a "big help" to the orchestra, but, unfortunately, I'm not... so I will do my best to be "plus, minus 0", ok??


From tomorrow, Dec. 27 - Jan. 5, I will be in Nagano with my family as always!! And I won't be sending out New Years cards since my gradma passed out in March... but I'm looking forward to getting you're card :P

Have a great New Year!! 


でも今週で授業は終わり!!頑張れ、自分 笑

that my life around the end of a semster is always terrible.

BUT after this week, I'm done!!  I can hang on :D 

DSCF1131-mini.JPG昔は毎月雑誌(ファッション誌)を買っていたこともありました。けどやめました。気付いたんです。。もったいなーい!!だって1冊¥500以上、2ヶ月で¥1000+α!!!月2冊以上買ってたこともあったな!なのに雑誌ってすぐ捨てちゃうものなんだよね。そのお金、絶対もっと有用な物に使えたはず!あと、私が求めてる情報は、実は買う雑誌の30%以下。まず、アメリカの雑誌ほどじゃないけど広告が多い。それに、私が参考にしたいのは服飾品やインテリア、料理やコスメくらい。でも、女性誌には風水とか占い(信じないどころか嫌悪)、芸能関連(あんま興味がない)、「こういう女の子がカワイイ☆」「人気者になるには★」みたいな特集(ためになるのかしら。。いやするべき!?)、赤の他人の恋愛話(聞いたってねぇ 笑)等がとーっっても多い!!「自分に合う雑誌じゃないのかなぁ」と思って他のを見てみても、服の系統が違うだけで後は同じような感じ。う~ん。。

と思って、毎月購読するのはやめました。けど、だからと言って全く買わなくなったわけではありません!今は3~4ヶ月に1、2冊くらい。ちらっと見て雰囲気が気に入った時だったり、衝動買いだったり、まぁ色々だけど…。でも、いつも買うのは共通して寂しい時 笑 特に、一人で飛行機に乗る時なんかは必ず買ってるかも。だって、飛行機は待ち時間も乗ってる間も飛行場までの行き来も。。一人は暇すぎる!!あとは、なんとなく一人で馬場歩きしててふらっと寄ったコンビニで買ったり。そして昨日も、家に帰ったら鍵がかかってて閉め出されたので、近くのスーパーで雑誌を買って、これまた近くの公園で読んだのでした。寒かったー 笑

あともう一つ!読み終わった雑誌をそのまま捨てちゃうのもやめました。私は自分で色々作るのが好きなので、いつか参考になるかもしれない「これ可愛い!」と思ったのを切抜いといて、でっかいノートにコラージュします。まぁ確かに流行り廃りはあるけど、そんなに流行りものに目が行く方ではないので気にしなーい。コラージュって、配置とか色・形のバランスとかがけっこう難しくてね。。楽しいし、けっこう勉強にもなってるのかもしれません 笑

I used to buy one magazine (women's) per month, but not now. I realized... what a waste of money it was!!! A magazine costs more than $5.00 or so, which makes it more than $10.00 in 2 months!!! Surely, I should use the money to something more worth spending, after all, magazines are something that's not kept for long! And the other thing is magazine pages consist of too many ads! (American magazines are cheeper, but they're almost all ads :O) The information I need is about fashion, interior, cooking/baking, or cosmetics... but most of the pages are filled with fortune telling (I hate them, they're rediculus), gossips about celebreties (not so interested), "how to be a cute girl" or "girls like this are popular" kind of lesson-type stuff (are those any use to anyone?? okay, should I act as it ways?), or talks of love affairs of somebody I don't know (I'd rather listen to my friends' stories ;P)!!! I wondered maybe I should look for magazines different from what I'd usually been buying, but no, that wasn't the problem because just the types of fashion varies from magazine to magazine, and the other useless information (for me) is all alike. Hmmm....

So I stopped bying magazines, month after month. But I still buy them... about once of twice in every three or four months. Perhaps when I happened to find one with a cute cover picture or had a impulse to buy one. Reasons vary, but one thing is always common... that is, whenever I'm feeling lonely lol Especially,I definitely buy one everytime I have to get on a plane by myself!! Taking a flight is so boring... commuting to the airport, waiting at the airport, and while flying!! I sometimes buy it on my way home from school, if I was walking by myself. And yesterday, too, I had to buy one becuase I was locked out when I got home; I went to the nearest grocery store, grabbed the magazine, and read it in the nearest park from my house :P oh, yeah, it was cold!!

But I don't just read and throw them away anymore! Because I like making stuff by myself, I cut out and keep pictures of whatever I found pretty, thinkng of making something similar, and keep a notebook of fashion collage!! It's actually fun but difficult... concidering balance or shapes and putting them in the right places... You shold try it, too!!











うん、いつも通り、私はすごい音を奏でてたわ 汗

1日中なんとなく物悲しいのは、James Bluntの"You're Beautiful"を昨日聞いたから。



it's freezing today... it's fucking cold, i can't go to school!!

and i'm soooo tired from last night reading crap! such a waste of time!

my makeup isn't right, i hate my clothes, how i'm so depressed today... 

i feel so terrible

and i know they're all due to my once-a-month-stomachache arrival... probably in a few days.

I was totally up in the air during the only class i had today.

i'm so sorry, my project partner,  but i have no idea what we had talked about

nor do i even remember your face...

i wonder if that e-mail got to her, that Cinese homework i did after that class.

at least, i remember clearly about our orchestra practice today.

i was making weird noises as usual... :<

because I listened to that song, "You're Beautiful", by James Blunt yesterday

and that's what's  making me feel so sad througout the day. gosh!

i'm a busy girl, and don't have time being broken-hearted by other people's songs, ok?

but tomorrow is December!!! i hope tomorrow will be a good day for me!!!   

IMGP4683.jpg私の所属する早稲田大学弦楽合奏団・律ゾリステンの第52回定期演奏会があります!!私たち3年生の、引退前最後の演奏会。特に私は2年になってから入って、しかも2年の後期から3年の前期まで留学していなかったため。。私にとっては最初で最後の演奏会のようなものです。是非来て下さい☆あ、入場無料なんで、別府からでもアメリカからでもどうぞ。飛行機代だけで済むからさっっ 笑

日時    12月22日 18:00 開場  18:30 開演

場所    三鷹芸術文化センター 風のホール

曲      スベンセン、モーツアルト、芥川也寸志、スーク (作曲者)

The string orchestra, Ritz Solisten, is having a winter concert soon!!! Because I joined the orchestra in my sophomore year, but was gone studying in the States the last half of that year and the first half of my junior year, it actually is going to be my first and last concert... juniors will have to retire after this concert! So pleaaaaaase come and listen to us play :D Oh, it's free, by the way, so any of you can come from Beppu, the U.S. or wherever... don't worry, all you need is the air fare lol

Date         Dec. 22   18:30

Place   Mitaka Geijutsu-Bunka Center   Kaze-no Hall

MUsic      J.Svensen, A.Mozart, Y.Akutagawa, J.Suk (composers) 

*写真は律のHPから借りました。。ごめんなさい、勝手に。 The pic is from Ritz's HP... thank you! 


それはなんとお米!!しかも、彼女の家で作った、それも新米!!!夏に彼女の家に何泊も泊めてもらった時に、「お米が美味しい」と私が言ったのを覚えていてくれて、わざわざ贈ってくれたのでした。ほんとに美味しかった!!!おかげで落ちかけてた体重が一時戻っちゃうくらいよく食べました 笑 彼女は「日本人のくせに漬物嫌い」で、それをよくからかってたけど。。あのお米を食べて育ったのかぁ、と思うとその気持ちも分からなくはない。漬物、はっきり言ってお米の味の邪魔でした 笑


About a month ago, a really good friend of mine from high school sent me something very special... I was so excited when I found that out that I'd probably never forget about it! All the way from Oita!

It was RICE!!! Rice that was just harvested! When she and her family let me stay at her house for several days last summer, I was surprised how tastey the rice was... and they remembered I said that!!!! It is actually the rice they grew on their land! Me and my family were all so excited to eat her rice everyday and I, who was losing the weight gained in the US, even gained a little bit. I'd never seen rice shining like that!!!

But I had only sent her a short e-mail and, finally, my reall thank you card and gifts are ready to be sent!! The picture is the bead necklace I made, and I also put a little mini-bag (I don't know what it's called...you know, about a size of a little bag like you put your make-up stuffs in?) as well, which I just finished making yesterday night! I hope she'll like it!!!


学生 student
first of all, read this; it's like a introduction of this blog
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