やっぱり何か書きたくなりました i wanna write something again!
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今日はかなり久しぶりのお休み。学校もバイトもサークルも歯医者も説明会も。。何もありません!!!よし、部屋の掃除だっ 笑

今日はちょっと前に読んだ本の話。名前はよ~く聞くのに読んだことがなくて、留学先のルイス&クラークカレッジで英語版を見つけて、読み始めたのに寝てしまったこともあったっけ。。偶然、妹の部屋で見つけたので改めて読んでみました。お話はとても素敵です☆戦争の話だけど、元気をもらえる。個人的に、悲しくても戦争の話は大好きですが 笑 (でも、やっぱり戦争の恐ろしさは知っときたいから。)終戦時に東南アジアに残っていた、ある隊の日本兵が帰国するまでのドラマです。クライマックスに、とってもきれいな青いインコが大事な登場人物として出てきますが。そのインコの、ちょっと紺よりの深い青色を勝手に決め付けて想像して、そんなきれいな鳥が欲しいと思いました。


I can stay home today... it's been so long sicne last time I did that!!! No school, no work, no orchestra practice, no dentist, NOTHING! Yeah, but I have to clean my room :P  

The picture is the book I read few months ago... I'd heard of the title thousand times but had never read it before. I happened to find it in my sister's room so I  read it :D Actually, I found this book in English at Lewis & Clark College last year; started reading but fell asleep. No, but the story is very interesting! It's about one Japanese troop in Southeast Asia at the end of the WWII, and the members' drama before they could finally go back to Japan. I personally like stories about war... it's not always a happy story, but I think we should know! A beautiful blue bird plays an important role in the story around climax... I can imagine its deep, a little bit dark blue color, and it makes me want  such bird!

It's a really easy book to read (I found out later on that it was, in fact, written for kids) and the writer's description is so accurate that you never have to feel like, "um... yeah, I think I understand what you're trying to say... or, maybe not." You'll feel like the writer knew how readers would imagine and find the exact passage you wanted to see, just right there, written for you!  But what struck me the most other than the story itself was a small episode written in the epilogue. In writing the story, the writer interviewed people who had actually fought in Southeast Aisa during WWII. But he found out that most of them only had vague feelings to explain, like, "it was 'horrible' or 'painful'." Then, he met people who could explain their experience in detail, and they were writers. I'm sorry that my memory is also vague, but he had written something like, "Those people who are accustomed to writing have an extreme observation ability." Not only that, I think they are capable of translating whatever information they get through five senses into words, consciously or unconsciously, in their heads. Which I can't do :< I should try "reading" to acquire the ability before I will be able to "write" and acquire it!   


DSCF1145-mini.JPGあ~今日は金曜だけどバイトがない。。泣 なんて幸せなの☆でもこれでやっと週3。今週は火・土・日だからね。今月は本当に良く働いたので、お金もいっぱい入ってくることでしょう♪♪そして、「うわぁー楽しみやなぁ~、すぐと(弟)☆どこ食べに連れて行ってもらおっかー???」とはしゃいている父が心配です 汗


I can't believe I don't have to work today... and it's TGIFRIDAY today!!! But still, I'm working 3 days this week, Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday, which is still a lot for me :< I worked, worked and worked this month and can't wait to see how much I made!!! But I'm kinda concerned...  I'm not the only one who is excited about it. I heard Dad talking to my brother, "Hey, Suguto, where should we ask her to take us for a fancy dinner???" :O

I hardly helped my mom cook recently, so today, I suggested we should prepare all-Italian dinner! We shopped together and cooked; mom in charge of the main dish and two side dishes and I baked Focaccia and made tiramisu. For the dessert, I used drained yogrut instead of that fattening, expensive cheese and it tasted alright. The picture is Focaccia with black olives and one with rosemary on it. We already ate it, but I also baked one with garlic, too ;P You dip the bread in the mixture of olive oil and milled black pepper and eat it!! Yummy!!!






今日は楽しい1日だった☆  おやすみー!!!


I bet  you thought i quit posting??


No way... not so soon!!

Man, i do need to pull myself together!


I had a good day today :D  Good night!!! 



The school started!!! after my 5-MONTHS summer vacation!!!

It's been 5 months since I last had English classes, did English readings, and talked in Engish!Maybe it's just because I'm not used to it... or maybe becuase I tried taking 20 credit-classes. Or is it because most of my classes are advanced courses, or is my violin practice taking so much time? And maybe working 4 or 5 days a week is not a good idea... I AM SOOOO BUSY!!! I can't post in here at all! I have to get used to them and handle them more efficiently sooner, so I can keep on updating my diary!


I took a TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) today, and as you can tell from the title... it was terrible :< I did take one before, right after I came back from the States, but, oh, what had happened to me in the past 5 months? The hard ones are the listening part. Last time, I did feel they spoke too fast, but I guess I was calm enough to try many ways to answer, like "let's read questions first and listen," "let's listen first and then read and answer," or "let's try and close my eyes and listen, and see if I can concentrate better,"... But today, I was so surprised at how I couldn't comprehend that I missed two or three questions in a row, panicked, for a few times. Just before I took the test, I talked to a guy who had studied at the same college in the States and found out that he beat me by 5 points (which is probably one question) on the TOEIC score! So I said to myself, "I'm so jealous! I'll beat him this time!" and took the test, but it didn't turn out well at all!!! Ok, I'm gonna study, and revenge that TOEIC test!!!  

715378d8jpegドイツ映画です。原題は“Was Nützt Die Liebe in Gedanken”。。悩む愛に何の意味があるのか、とかそんな意味?…辞書で調べまくっての推測なので、あんまり信じないで下さいね 汗 私はただただかっこいいDaniel Brühl(パウル役)が見たかっただけなのにぃ。。重かったです。ってか怖かった。


意味の分からない映画でした、というのが率直な感想です。が、これが実際にあったというからそれで終わるわけにはいかない。エリーの存在が、話を複雑にしてストーリー全体のまとまりを欠かせているような気がしてしょうがないけど、作り話じゃないから、きれいな形にはならないのかな。気にかかるのは、病んだおかしな風潮の中、彼女が唯一“常識的”な考えを持つ人だったからかも。Daniel Brühlがかっこいい☆とか思ってる暇は全然なかったのですが、ヒルデ役の女の子は、考え方の是非は置いといて、容姿は人形のように可愛く魅力的です。でも、彼女のせいで起こったと言っても過言じゃないこの事件後の裁判に、傍聴席で泣きながら聞いていた彼女の心境が1番気になります。個人的には、監督がもっとメッセージを込めても良かったんじゃないかなぁと思ったりもしたのですが、私が読み取れなかっただけでしょうか?

A German movie with the original title “Was Nützt Die Liebe in Gedanken”… I figured it means something like, ”What use is there in suffering over love,” but this is just my guess, using dictionaries, so don’t assume it’s right! I just wanted to watch my favoritest  actor, Daniel Brühl as Paul, but the story turned out to be dark and scary.

The story is based on the real incident which took place in Germany in 1927. It was a murder having to do with love affairs including Paul and his best friend, Günther. The two boys plan to spend a weekend at Günther’s summer house near a lake while their parents are away, and Paul is so excited to see Günther’s sister, Hilde, whom he had a crush on. But there she says to him, “I don’t want to stick to one guy,” and secretly flirts with another guy, Hans, while she seduces Paul. The reason why Hilde has to “secretly” meet Hans is because her very close brother, Günther, gets extremely jealous. But, actually, his jealously is against Hilde, because Hans used to be his lover. So for his best friend AND for himself, he tries so hard to make Hilde date Paul. But then, Hilde’s neighbor and friend, Elli, who had a crush on Paul appears…. On Saturday night, a big party was held, and the kids from school are called, including all of them named above. They have fun singing, dancing, and drinking, and some changes occur among their love affairs. The next day, all the exhausted kids, with each person’s concern in their mind, go back home in town, and on Monday, it happens…

Frankly, after watching, I thought, “hmmm… I didn’t get it.” But it was something which happened in real life…!!! Elli’s existence makes the story more complicated and difficult to conclude… but maybe it should be that way, since this is not a story that has been made. Actually, she is the only person who has a “normal” way of thinking in this strange and insane world, so is that why she distracts me so much? I had no time to appreciate how cute Daniel Brühl was, but the girl who did Hilde was so pretty and attractive, whether you agree to her belief or not. At the end of the story, she sits in the court judging the incident which she was greatly involved, hearing as one of the spectator, crying, and I wonder what was on her mind. I thought the director could have put more of his own thought into it to tell the audience… but is it just me who didn’t get it?

はい、やっぱり間違ってました 笑 タイトルは詩からの引用で、「愛がもし思考の中でしか存在しないとしたら、なんと無益なものなのだろう」ということらしいです。

Ok, so I was wrong lol The title is a quote from a poem which goes like, "If love only exists in thoughts, what use does it have?"


昨日は初日ほどのばかはやらかしませんでした。ちなみに、初日の最高傑作はお茶とおしぼりをお手洗いに持って行ったこと 笑 テーブル番号がまだ全く分からないので、台所の出入口に見取り図が貼ってあるのを見つつ運んでいたのですが、何せかなり方向音痴の私はそんな「地図」すら読み取れず。。お茶汲みと同時進行でそば湯運びもやってたんですが、何度蕎麦を頼んでない客のところにそば湯を持って行ったことか。だから見取り図を見るときは、「つき当たって左の真ん中、つき当たって…」等と唱えながら運んでます。が、それでもお手洗いに導かれてしまったのは、「お座敷の右側1番奥」と唱えて運んでたので、座敷を通り過ぎてのれんまでやって来て「!?のれん付きのお座敷?VIP用の特別な部屋なんかな。。」と思ってのれんをくぐってびっくりしました。もうそれから思い出し笑いで、大変で大変で 笑


‘働く’ってことは、自分がいかに甘やかされて生活しているか、どんなに大したことがない人間であるか、どんだけ頭の回転が遅い・要領が悪いか、を思い知らされます。けっこうショック。。けど、たまにはそう感じて生きてないと、調子乗りそうなので私にはちょうどいいです 笑 なので、これからも謙虚に頑張ろう!!そして、煎れたてのほうじ茶をぶっかけたくなるような客にも耐えようと思います 笑

Yesterday was my second day at work! I work as a waitress at a relatively fancy Japanese restaurant... each meal is called a gozen, which consist of one main dish with many kinds of small portion food in a tiny, cute plate or bowl, and they cost around $10-21+drinking beer or alcohol...that'll make quite a price per person so that's why I regard the restaurant as 'realtively fancy' ;P I couldn't find a better place to work for, because it's so close to my house (2 min. on bike!!!) and the wage is about $8/h!! I worked from 3:00-10:00 yesterday and was soooooo tired; I still hadn't found out how I could get a brief rest and had worked all full 7 hours, standing!!

Yesterday, fortunately, I didn't do something too stupid like the first day. The stupidest thing I did on the first day was bringing roasted green tea (Hoji cha) to a restroom lol  Bringing tea and wet-hot-towels (it's called oshibori, kinda like napkins) to a new custmer, water for kids, and also soba yu for custmers who had ordered soba is my job so far. (Soba is a kind of Japanese noodle and soba yu is the water which had been used to boil soba... after you finished eating soba, you pour soba yu into the sause you used to eat soba with and drink it.) Every time I bring tea, water or soba yu, because I don't have the layout of the restaurant or the order of tables memorized yet, I have to check the small 'map' of the restaurant to see which table I'm heading to. BUT I hate myself for it and had been in so many troubles because of it... I have totally no sense of direction; I get lost easily and can't read maps. I don't know how many times I brought soba yu to people who hadn't had soba at all lol  And because I know I can't do it well, I usually murmur to myself like,"ok... go straight to the end, turn left, the middle table. straight to the end, turn left... " when I'm bringing stuff. But even doing so, I ended up almost serving tea in the restroom because, at that time, I was bringint tea to a tatami room, saying to myself, "the very end tatami room" when I came across noren. Noren is a Japanese curtain. I thought, " Wow a room with noren??? It must be a real VIP people's room..." and oh, yeah, I was sooooo surprised I couldn't stop laughing after that!! I suffered to stop laughing while I poured tea, made ice water, and wiped trays!!!

There are many cute boys working as waiters, too, and yesterday, I found out 2 of them were high school boys!! Man... I've never felt more real that I'm actually 21. No wonder they're cute :|

Every time I "work", I always feel how spoiled I am, how useless and clumsy I am, and how I lack ability and am far from being smart. It's sad, but it's good for me to feel this way once in a while so I won't become too pround of myself!! So from now on, I can modestly and politely work and suppress my impulse to throw the boiling hot tea to rude customers!!

DSCF1113-minisquare.JPG昨日から金木犀のにおいがします!!!このにおい大好き家の窓からにおうって事は、どこか近所で咲いてる~、と思って昨日夕食前に近所徘徊しました 笑 暗いからあんまり分からなかったけど、どうも斜め前の家にも1本あるみたい。律(サークル)から帰るときも、学館から出たら金木犀のいい香りが!いたるところで秋のにおいがします


I can smell Fragrant Olives from yesterday!! They smell soooo good :D I knew they're somewhere near my house because I can smell them at home... so yesterday night, before dinner, I explored around my neighborhood searching for the tree ;P The sun had already set and it was hard to see, but I did find those tiny golden flowers shining dimly in the dark, from the yard of the house across from ours! Today, after our string orchestra practice, I stepped out of the building and, again, smelled it… I don’t know whether they grow in the States or not, but if you’re in Japan, the scent of Fragrant Olives always tells us, “Fall has come!”

The smell always reminds me of my kindergarten in Beppu, Oita. There was a big Fragrant Olive tree in the corner of the playground. We held a little festival every fall, and soled many craps that kindergarten kids made, like beads rings, clay mugs, and sewed bags and so on. One of them was called a “scent bag”; it was a little cloth bag with Fragrant Olive flowers in it. I believe it was 10 cents or so… but it did smell good :D When I started going to elementary school, I always noticed its smell on my way to school and thought, “now, It’s fall!!” But probably because I’m in Tokyo now… I feel like it’s too soon for them to bloom. I think the Fragrant Olives in Beppu is still getting ready!


So today, I went out and found many more around my house!! Is it everywhere in Japan or am I just so lucky I get  to live near them everytime I move???   


私はけっこう前から額関節(顎)が悪くて、そのために歯の矯正もしたんだけど、結局顎の症状は変わらず…なので、この夏休みから大学病院に通ってました。まぁ顎自体はずーっと今の状態で変わってないし、生活にあんまり支障はないからここではどうでもいいです 笑 で、担当だったS先生は優しくて、医者なのにエラそうでもなくて、まぁちょっと頼りなさそうで大丈夫かよ、って思うこともあったけど、普通に好きでした。でも…昨日「あのーほんと申し訳ないんだけど、今度入院患者の方を診る事になったので、担当できなくなるんだぁ。。ごめんねー」って言われました。内心「はぁ!?」と思いつつ「えー医者とか変わったらまた面倒くさそうやな。。っちゅーかそんなんいいんかなぁ…」と不安になったのですが、「で、次回から担当を引き継いでもらうK先生です。」って紹介された人が、実はそうとうかっこよかったです 笑 「あ、この人診察中にもおった人!!口開けちょん時は気まずいけん先生の顔とか見れんかったけど(毎回4人の先生がつく 汗)、シルエット的にかっこよさそうな人がおるな~っち思っちょった人やん!えーうそーやったぁ☆」

なので、それから話を聞いたり次の診察の予約を決めたりする間、「この人かっこいー☆」と思って凝視してたら、必要以上の笑顔をこらえるのに必死でした 笑 だから次回から歯医者楽しみです~♪♪幸か不幸か、妹(高2)も全く同じ症状で同じように通ってます。しかも昨日は私の後に診察 笑 だったので、バイト後意気込んで「なぁ、先生変わったやろ!?そーとーかっこいいよなー☆やったなぁ♪♪」と話しかけたら、そこまででもない、と言われました 笑 ちょっとかっこいいなぁとは思ったけど、そうとうではないよ、って言われました。いーもん。一人で喜んでやるっ!!

Yesterday was my first day at work but that’s not what I wanna talk about!! (It's loooong again)

I had a problem with my jaw joint for long, and had worn braces, too, but that didn’t help much. So from this summer, I started going to see a doctor at a university hospital. My condition of jaw has been the same and it doesn’t bother me at all so forget about that for now. The thing is, my doctor, Dr. S was a really nice guy, he wasn’t too proud of himself, which is rare for doctors, and I thought he was ok. But yesterday, he said, “Um… I’m really sorry, but I’ll be transferred to examine hospitalized patients… and can’t be in your charge anymore.” I was like, “WHAT!? You irresponsible bra…  but does that happen often? Am I gonna be ok…?” and I was worried inside, when he said, “And this is Dr. K, and he’ll be taking care of you instead of me.” The truth was, he was so handsome!!! :D I thought, “Oh--- I kinda remember seeing him in the corner of my eye  when I was being examined (every time there are 4 doctors on me :P ) and thought he could be handsome!! Yay, it was you!”   

So after that, when I was talking to him deciding when to come next and all that, I had a really hard time trying to keep me from smiling too much, staring at him, thinking, “He is sooooo handsome!!” ;P So I just can’t wait to go see that dentist again! Luckily or unluckily, my sister (17) has the exact same problem with her jaw joint and has been seeing the doctor at the same hospital. Actually, she turned out to be the very next patient after me lol  After I come home from work, I was so excited to talk to her about it and asked, “hey, our doctor in charge changed, right?? Did you see him??? Don't you think he’s soooo handsome!?” But she just said she didn’t think he looked THAT good… she said he was ok. Darn… but that’s ok, I’m still looking forward to seeing him :P


この画面の上にあるタイトルの水玉?○○○の部分ににマウスのカーソルを持っていってみて!ねー?可愛いでしょ?めっちゃ面白いでしょ~はまるよ 笑



で、もうひとつ言っておきたいのは、私の英語は完全ではありません。帰国子女+1年の交換留学くらいじゃ、私の拙い日本語レベルにもなってません。だから私の英語を絶対視しないで、参考程度に読んでくださいね(英語を勉強しようと思ってる日本人の方)。で、反対に日本語を勉強している人は、私の日本語をあまり信頼しないように!人間、母国語の文法が疎かになるのは仕方ないからさっ 笑

最後に注意点をひとつ。英語の方の日記は、上の日本語の完全訳じゃないです。意訳なんだけど、でももう意訳を超えて、けっこう違います。「要はこういうことが言いたいんだよっはっはっは」ってな感じの訳なので 笑 最初、きっちりした訳のほうがいいかなぁとも思ったんだけど、やっぱりなんか不自然になるので止めました。だから両方分かる人にはには違いがバレるね。。


First of all...

go drag your mouse to the top of the page around the title area. You see the coloreful dots appear?? Isn't it soooooo cute??? I always waste time playing with it :D

And now, the real anouncements.

Basically, I wiil be posting whenever I want whatever I wanna write about, just like I did with my previous blog. But this time, I'll be writing in both Japanese and English. I came up with this idea because... First, I want my friends who don't speak Japanese to be able to read it. Next, I thought it might be nice if my friends who are interested in Japanese or English can use this blog to study or test themselves. Finally, I think it'll help myself to express my thoughts in words, Japanese too, but especially in Engish, because now I'm back in Japan and hardly ever use English if I don't go out and find the opportunity to do so myself. 

And one more thing I have to say is that my English is not perfect (as YOU can easily tell, if you're reading HERE ;P) I had lived in the States for few years when I was small and had studied for 1 year as an exchage student, but that won't make my English even closer to my Japanese, which is not that good either. So DO NOT trust my English and just read through and think "oh, this is one way of expressing it, which could be wrong" (for those of you who wish to study English). And the same thing with the Japanese studying people... you know your English grammar is crap so so is mine!! My Japanese is awful!

Finally, one last thing to tell you. My English versions are NOT the direct translation of the Japanese posts above! I tried to do that but it didn't turn out so well... my Enlgish will sound so awkward and I stopped. What I 'm trying to say is genereally the same thing so it won't be a problem. The problem is that my least favorite readers are gonna be bilinguals, and half of my friends are ;P

Oh, and I set my goal to post short paragraphs (maybe 1 hour of writing per post) so I don't have to sit in front of this PC forever, but it's not working--- I'll try harder from next time!

PS 英語で書いてて分かったこと。。これスペルチェックがない!更なるミスの不安が。。

   I just noticed, writing in English, that it has no spell check! My English gets worse...

学生 student
first of all, read this; it's like a introduction of this blog
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