私はけっこう前から額関節(顎)が悪くて、そのために歯の矯正もしたんだけど、結局顎の症状は変わらず…なので、この夏休みから大学病院に通ってました。まぁ顎自体はずーっと今の状態で変わってないし、生活にあんまり支障はないからここではどうでもいいです 笑 で、担当だったS先生は優しくて、医者なのにエラそうでもなくて、まぁちょっと頼りなさそうで大丈夫かよ、って思うこともあったけど、普通に好きでした。でも…昨日「あのーほんと申し訳ないんだけど、今度入院患者の方を診る事になったので、担当できなくなるんだぁ。。ごめんねー」って言われました。内心「はぁ!?怒」と思いつつ「えー医者とか変わったらまた面倒くさそうやな。。っちゅーかそんなんいいんかなぁ…」と不安になったのですが、「で、次回から担当を引き継いでもらうK先生です。」って紹介された人が、実はそうとうかっこよかったです 笑 「あ、この人診察中にもおった人!!口開けちょん時は気まずいけん先生の顔とか見れんかったけど(毎回4人の先生がつく 汗)、シルエット的にかっこよさそうな人がおるな~っち思っちょった人やん!えーうそーやったぁ☆」
なので、それから話を聞いたり次の診察の予約を決めたりする間、「この人かっこいー☆」と思って凝視してたら、必要以上の笑顔をこらえるのに必死でした 笑 だから次回から歯医者楽しみです~♪♪幸か不幸か、妹(高2)も全く同じ症状で同じように通ってます。しかも昨日は私の後に診察 笑 だったので、バイト後意気込んで「なぁ、先生変わったやろ!?そーとーかっこいいよなー☆やったなぁ♪♪」と話しかけたら、そこまででもない、と言われました 笑 ちょっとかっこいいなぁとは思ったけど、そうとうではないよ、って言われました。いーもん。一人で喜んでやるっ!!
Yesterday was my first day at work but that’s not what I wanna talk about!!
I had a problem with my jaw joint for long, and had worn braces, too, but that didn’t help much. So from this summer, I started going to see a doctor at a university hospital. My condition of jaw has been the same and it doesn’t bother me at all so forget about that for now. The thing is, my doctor, Dr. S was a really nice guy, he wasn’t too proud of himself, which is rare for doctors, and I thought he was ok. But yesterday, he said, “Um… I’m really sorry, but I’ll be transferred to examine hospitalized patients… and can’t be in your charge anymore.” I was like, “WHAT!? You irresponsible bra… but does that happen often? Am I gonna be ok…?” and I was worried inside, when he said, “And this is Dr. K, and he’ll be taking care of you instead of me.” The truth was, he was so handsome!!! :D I thought, “Oh--- I kinda remember seeing him in the corner of my eye when I was being examined (every time there are 4 doctors on me :P ) and thought he could be handsome!! Yay, it was you!”
So after that, when I was talking to him deciding when to come next and all that, I had a really hard time trying to keep me from smiling too much, staring at him, thinking, “He is sooooo handsome!!” ;P So I just can’t wait to go see that dentist again! Luckily or unluckily, my sister (17) has the exact same problem with her jaw joint and has been seeing the doctor at the same hospital. Actually, she turned out to be the very next patient after me lol After I come home from work, I was so excited to talk to her about it and asked, “hey, our doctor in charge changed, right?? Did you see him??? Don't you think he’s soooo handsome!?” But she just said she didn’t think he looked THAT good… she said he was ok. Darn… but that’s ok, I’m still looking forward to seeing him :P
i don't think so... only me and my sister have the problem. it's called 顎関節症 in japanese if you could figure out the meaning from the 漢字.
oh, i'll write about my job soon...!! i work as a waiterss at a japanese restaurant!
写真はさすがに撮れないでしょ 笑
あ、今日新聞に小栗旬が載(の)ってたから手紙で送るね☆ 懐かしいね、彼 笑
how am i supposed to take a pic of him!? hey, so he was on today's news paper so i'll send it to you ;P it's weird, he reminds me of you...lol
first of all, read this; it's like a introduction of this blog
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