やっぱり何か書きたくなりました i wanna write something again!



昨日は初日ほどのばかはやらかしませんでした。ちなみに、初日の最高傑作はお茶とおしぼりをお手洗いに持って行ったこと 笑 テーブル番号がまだ全く分からないので、台所の出入口に見取り図が貼ってあるのを見つつ運んでいたのですが、何せかなり方向音痴の私はそんな「地図」すら読み取れず。。お茶汲みと同時進行でそば湯運びもやってたんですが、何度蕎麦を頼んでない客のところにそば湯を持って行ったことか。だから見取り図を見るときは、「つき当たって左の真ん中、つき当たって…」等と唱えながら運んでます。が、それでもお手洗いに導かれてしまったのは、「お座敷の右側1番奥」と唱えて運んでたので、座敷を通り過ぎてのれんまでやって来て「!?のれん付きのお座敷?VIP用の特別な部屋なんかな。。」と思ってのれんをくぐってびっくりしました。もうそれから思い出し笑いで、大変で大変で 笑


‘働く’ってことは、自分がいかに甘やかされて生活しているか、どんなに大したことがない人間であるか、どんだけ頭の回転が遅い・要領が悪いか、を思い知らされます。けっこうショック。。けど、たまにはそう感じて生きてないと、調子乗りそうなので私にはちょうどいいです 笑 なので、これからも謙虚に頑張ろう!!そして、煎れたてのほうじ茶をぶっかけたくなるような客にも耐えようと思います 笑

Yesterday was my second day at work! I work as a waitress at a relatively fancy Japanese restaurant... each meal is called a gozen, which consist of one main dish with many kinds of small portion food in a tiny, cute plate or bowl, and they cost around $10-21+drinking beer or alcohol...that'll make quite a price per person so that's why I regard the restaurant as 'realtively fancy' ;P I couldn't find a better place to work for, because it's so close to my house (2 min. on bike!!!) and the wage is about $8/h!! I worked from 3:00-10:00 yesterday and was soooooo tired; I still hadn't found out how I could get a brief rest and had worked all full 7 hours, standing!!

Yesterday, fortunately, I didn't do something too stupid like the first day. The stupidest thing I did on the first day was bringing roasted green tea (Hoji cha) to a restroom lol  Bringing tea and wet-hot-towels (it's called oshibori, kinda like napkins) to a new custmer, water for kids, and also soba yu for custmers who had ordered soba is my job so far. (Soba is a kind of Japanese noodle and soba yu is the water which had been used to boil soba... after you finished eating soba, you pour soba yu into the sause you used to eat soba with and drink it.) Every time I bring tea, water or soba yu, because I don't have the layout of the restaurant or the order of tables memorized yet, I have to check the small 'map' of the restaurant to see which table I'm heading to. BUT I hate myself for it and had been in so many troubles because of it... I have totally no sense of direction; I get lost easily and can't read maps. I don't know how many times I brought soba yu to people who hadn't had soba at all lol  And because I know I can't do it well, I usually murmur to myself like,"ok... go straight to the end, turn left, the middle table. straight to the end, turn left... " when I'm bringing stuff. But even doing so, I ended up almost serving tea in the restroom because, at that time, I was bringint tea to a tatami room, saying to myself, "the very end tatami room" when I came across noren. Noren is a Japanese curtain. I thought, " Wow a room with noren??? It must be a real VIP people's room..." and oh, yeah, I was sooooo surprised I couldn't stop laughing after that!! I suffered to stop laughing while I poured tea, made ice water, and wiped trays!!!

There are many cute boys working as waiters, too, and yesterday, I found out 2 of them were high school boys!! Man... I've never felt more real that I'm actually 21. No wonder they're cute :|

Every time I "work", I always feel how spoiled I am, how useless and clumsy I am, and how I lack ability and am far from being smart. It's sad, but it's good for me to feel this way once in a while so I won't become too pround of myself!! So from now on, I can modestly and politely work and suppress my impulse to throw the boiling hot tea to rude customers!!

学生 student
first of all, read this; it's like a introduction of this blog
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